Insights data for Workplace group admins
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Only group admins can view and download Group Insights. Moderators and other group members won't be able to see Group Insights. You can only download Group Insights if you're logged into Workplace from your computer.
Group Insights are available for all groups.
Access Group Insights
- Click
More Options below the group's cover photo.
- Click See group insights.
- On the left panel, select either Growth, Engagement, Membership or Learning below the Insights heading.
Download Group Insights
- From Group Insights, select which features you would like to download insight data about from the options present under Members over time.
- Select the date range you want to extract the reports for.
- Click Export when you're ready to download the report.
The admin will have the choice to export the following group details:
- Growth (total members, active members, membership requests).
- Engagement (posts, comments, reactions, popular days, popular times and top posts).
- Members (top contributors - Contributor score is calculated by measuring the member's engagement: posts, comments, reaction and files created).
Note: Make sure you select the correct date range for the export.
How far back does Group Insights data go?
Group Insights data is available as far back as 1 year. If the group creation date is more recent than 1 year, that's as far back as the data will go.
Each graph and table indicates the time frame reflected.
Keep in mind that the time you see in Group Insights reporting will be based on the time zone of the user viewing the Group Insights report.
What is an active member?
An active member in Group Insights is a group member who has viewed, posted, commented on or reacted to group content in the pre-selected timeframe.